Off-Leash Bad Mannered Dogs

It’s not an uncommon sight at many off-leash dog areas around the country dogs behaving badly! From unruly dog behaviour such as jumping or pulling on the lead, to excessive barking and roaming, some dogs and their owners are in desperate need of advice.
“Some dogs are in need of training and understanding to help them adjust to the human world they reside in,” Luana Osmani, from Pets Boarding & Training, says. “Commonly it will be certain triggers that will cause a dog to behave badly, or the lack of knowledge of how to prevent and reduce the problem.”
Some of this bad dog behaviour is battled in lonesome times at home and away from prying eyes of other dog owners. These behavioural problems can leave many owners scratching their heads over what to do. With some turning to the endless, and sometimes unreliable, information on the internet.
“Bad manners can be described as any annoying or unpleasant behaviour a dog is exhibiting,” Luana says. “This can be anything from jumping on guests, barking at strange dogs, pulling on the lead and the like.”
“It’s advisable to only seek professional advice from a dog trainer when it comes to the behaviour of your dog,” Luana suggests. “Self-diagnosing your pet’s problems on the internet can lead to more issues, enlisting the expertise of a dog handler or trainer is a must.”
Common doggy behavioural complaints;
- Pulling on lead
- Not listening
- Will not respond to training with distractions (AKA off-leash area or other dogs)
- Digging
- Excessive barking
- Jumping
- Destructive behaviour
- Humping
- Aggression around food and bones
- Begging around food
- Food stealing
- Anxiety
- Aggression
“The good news is this can all be prevented and helped with dog training,” Luana smiles. “With a little understanding and work you can really iron-out any behaviour you want.”
The key is asking for help and calling in the professionals. Enlisting a trusted dog handler and dog trainer can help you appreciate and recognise your dog’s strengths and weaknesses. It can also make you aware of any bad behaviour concerns that need to be addressed such as aggression and anxiety.
“When you understand why your dog is behaving the way he/she is, you immediately begin to improve the bond that you share,” Luana says. “Once you start working alongside your dog, you will both reap the rewards of a loving and understanding relationship, without the stress.”
A well trained dog is a happy dog. It is evident that all dogs thrive with dog training. It is not only good for their brains, but also their general wellbeing.
“A well-trained dog is much more likely to be exercised correctly and in most incidents, be a well-adjusted, happy dog,” Luana says. “If you are having problems with your dog’s behaviour, calling in the experts will hugely help improve the situation.”