Adopt A Pet – Tips and Benefits

Considering rescuing a pet? Pets Training & Boarding have some top tips to help you adopt a pet. PLUS: we catch up with Cathy Beer a pet rescue advocate and founder of Pets4Life.
Rescuing and adopting a pet can be one of the most rewarding experiences in life and those loving pet owners who have offered their lives as ‘forever homes’ have been given a wealth of love from a precious companion animal. The heartfelt rescue stories are an endless source of happy-tears and many Kleenex moments!
Meet Cathy Beer, she’s turned her career into helping animals who need to find their forever homes and also recognising the two-legged variety who work tirelessly to rehome endless pets around Australia.
“Over the years I’ve attended the Getting To Zero (G2Z) Summits, whose goal is to achieve zero euthanasia of healthy, treatable animals in Australia,” Cathy says. “I always return home from those Summits feeling inspired and awestruck by rescue groups and animal shelters who are trying new ways to improve welfare outcomes for the animals in their care. I think companion animal rescue has come a long way and it’s time to celebrate their achievements. So, I created the Companion Animal Rescue Awards as a way to showcase and celebrate outstanding examples of rehoming best practice.”
Tips for Rescuing A Pet
Like with all pets it’ s important to consider a few things before going out to find your perfect companion.
Breed – research your desired breed and check that the traits for that particular breed, match with your lifestyle. Dog breeds, in particular, will need different levels of activity and training.
Time – do you have the time to dedicate to your new pet? Training, and exercise is very important, particularly with dogs.
Existing Pets – how will your existing pet take to your new pet? Some shelters offer to meet and greet so you can see if your new furry ball of joy will get along with your existing dog. Remember with all introductions go slow.
Environment – is your home ready for a puppy or kitten? Check fences and find a secure area you will keep your new addition while they get used to their new environment. For cats, a room works well, for pups and dogs, ensure you have good fences and consider a penned area.
Benefits of Adopting A Pet
There are many benefits to adopt a pet from a shelter or rescue situation.
“Adopting or fostering a pet to help the animal or a family who is going through a difficult time by looking after their pet is very rewarding. Pet adoption changes lives for the better, not just for the pet but also in many cases for their humans. I’ve heard many wonderful stories of transformation, where the pet is rehabilitated by a rescue group or animal shelter and has a great life with their new family,” Cathy says. “I can’t count the number of times people have said their rescue pet has rescued them”
Rescuing an older pet also has huge advantages as most times, these animals are also toilet trained and house trained.
“I have adopted older pets in the past, and I now have two foster doggies, one is 13 years old (Fluffy) and the other is 9 years old (Twinkle),” Cathy smiles. “Older pets are wonderful! They still have a lot of spark but without the high energy of a puppy. With older pets, you don’t have to go through the puppy period which can last 12 months or more.”
However, if you are looking to adopt a puppy or adopt a kitten, there are many looking for new homes of all different breeds, shapes and sizes.
“It’s not just adult rescue pets in shelters,” Cathy says. “There are plenty of puppies and kittens being fostered by rescue groups and animal shelters who need a loving home. Puppies and kittens are a lot of fun! If you’re prepared to put in the time and effort in raising a pup or kitten with positive training from the start, you can shape the animal into becoming a well-adjusted adult pet.”