Cat Care – Plants & Poisons

Concerned about the plants and poisons your cat could be getting into? Pets Training & Boarding examines the plants that could be causing your cat headaches.
For most cat owners; plants do not pose a problem for their precious kitties. However, for an extra curious kitten or feline friend they can spell absolute disaster.
This is also the same for your household cleaning detergents or gardening chemicals that can be extremely poisonous to your loveable cat.
This doesn’t mean you need to get rid of all of your lovely indoor plants, it just means you need to be a little more creative. Some owners use hanging baskets to display their; not so cat friendly plants, or even cages to keep curious kittens out. With a little creativity you can showcase your plants, make a stunning future, and also keep your cat safe.
Common Plants Toxic to Cats
- Azaleas and Rhododendrons
- Castor Bean
- Chrysanthemum
- Cyclamen
- English Ivy
- Kalanchoe
- Marijuana
- Oleander
- Pothos
- Sago Palm
- Spanish thyme
- Tulip and Narcissus bulbs
- Yew
It is impossible to eradicate all toxic plants from your environment. Keeping your cat indoors can also help, or at least until they reach a ‘less curious’ age. Also become prolific at storing your garden chemicals correctly and keeping your cat indoors after weed spraying etc.
If you do have plants that you are concerned about and your cat is not an indoor dwelling pet, consider spraying citronella or another citrus based oil around the soil of the plant to deter your cat. Or plant herbs around the base of the offending plants that cats do not like such as lavender, rosemary or lemon balm.
Popular lilies highly toxic to cats
- Asian Lily
- Easter Lily
- Glory Lily
- Japanese Show Lily
- Peace Lily
- Red Lily
- Rubrum Lily
- Stargaszer Lily
- Tiger Lily
- Wood Lily
Lilies are the main culprit when it comes to cat poisoning incidents. It’s a good idea to keep this in mind when purchasing flowers for a known cat owner.
Also store bulbs away from your pet’s environment. Keep them in well-sealed containers and away from pet areas.
Chemicals & Poisons
There are many household products that are incredibly toxic to your cat. Cats are prolific cleaners so if they get any of these chemicals on their pads or feet they will lick it off and possibly cause themselves harm.
Surprisingly bleach also features in this list, as many unsuspecting owners forget to wash the bottom of the shower completely, leaving their furry little friend to explore with their pads and tongues (OUCH).
Like with children, keep your household cleaning chemicals, and human medication out of reach and also ensure your rinse surfaces well after cleaning to avoid accidental poisoning.
Always store gardening chemicals well, and use ‘pet friendly’ slug pellets and herbicides when possible.
Other chemicals highly toxic to cats include:
- Anti-freeze
- Bleach
- Fertilizer
- Fungicides & Herbicides
- Insect bait
- Mouse & rat bait
Symptoms of Poisoning
- Depression
- Lethargy
- Vomiting / diarrhoea
- Difficulty in breathing
- Shaking or seizures
- Increased salvation or drooling
- Sneezing or coughing
- Weakness
- Unconsciousness or coma
If you suspect your pet is in discomfort and has ingested or even nibbled on something that is toxic, seek veterinary treatment quickly.